Sunday, March 31, 2013


So I was sitting outside today perfect evening it was just barely dusk, the sprinklers had been going and had hit the sage so it smelled like fresh rain, it was warm for the first time in seemingly years {which is ironic because I live in the desert} anyways so my whole family was sitting outside watching the dogs play, it was a 100% perfect evening, and where was I ? Curled up in a lawn chair begging to go to bed. I was miserable.
My knees were throbbing, my hands were aching, and I felt exhausted. I wish I knew what makes me feel like this, I've had blood tests done and I'm negative for rheumatoid and lupus and marfans ....oh well, I should be going back to the doctor within the next week or two, maybe they'll have another idea about what's wrong with me?
GIR girl signing off

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Me + needles= BAD day

Sooo today I got to go get my blood drawn, but considering the fact that I am scared to death of needles as you can probably guess it didn't go so well.. Well, ok actually, it went fine, except for the fact that they had to put me in the "pass out" chair, see when you go in the room where they take your blood there are two chairs, one of them is sitting straight up like a normal chair, (I've dubbed this one the tough guy chair), the other one is more like a reclined couch like thing that's about as high as a doctors table (aka the "pass out" chair) I got the pass out chair because the minute I saw the thing they thought they were going to stick into me I actually almost passed out (so I guess I did deserve it, a little). So I survived that, (although the nurse did have to keep reminding me to breathe), oh well! Now I get to sit on edge for 3 days while I wait for the results! I'm not going I say yet what they were testing me for, because if I come up positive for what I'm pretty sure I have, then I'm going to put my full story for anyone else who might want to read it. Well, TTFN! (Hopefully life will settle down and ill get some time to start crafting again soon!, but until then you'll have to put up with my ailments! ;P )

Friday, March 22, 2013


Here's the Gist, I'm a whovian, potterhead, lunartic, twihard,(<--don't judge me),Narnian, KH fan, Avatar Addict, Gir fangirl,  hunger games fanatic.(prob. missed a few) I have Really bad ADD, so if you ever see any random posts, don't panic, my meds probably just wore off. Now, I'm going to be honest,Most of the time bloggers annoy me.. its like " I really don't care what your cat ate for breakfast, why don't you go tweet about it and remind me to unfollow you", but see most people view my life as this non-changing non exciting line in time and space , when in reality, its more like this big ball of wibbly wobbly sarcasticy-ironicy- stuff. (warned you, whovian) anyways so I promise no cat posts ( probably), but the weirdest stuff happens to me sometimes, and its like i swear i couldn't have made this up if I had tried, so you'll probably see alot of that, along with my latest geekery crafts, and oh! almost forgot, i have Celiac too so there'll be the occasional gluten free recipe, and I don't know just stuff!